About HSS Blade

HSS (high speed steel) is with special metallic element and also named sharp steel or white steel. It is very sharp and well abrasive, and a 4-6 times of working life to normal steel. HSS can maintain HRC 60 in a temperature of 600C(normal steel will passivate in 200-300C), so it is suitable for high speed and continuous cutting work. HSS is the best choice for manufacturing blade, because it has a high pervious level and keep hardness after repeated grinding, white normal steel reduces the hardness.

All-steel blade is with disadvantages of low tenacity and toughness, breakaged, difficult to repeated grinding and high cost. Jialong inlays HSS to low-carbon steel by special alloy technology and hest treatment. So the blade has both excellent cability of HSS and good tenacity of low-carbon steel. We promis to supply sharp, economical and reasonable blade.